Polat Renaissance
Polat Renaissance
Renaissance Polat Istanbul Hotel
Renaissance Polat Istanbul Hotel provides the ideal ambiance for both city-holiday tourism and business meetings thank to its advantageous location (4 km to Airport, 18 km to Centrum), comfort and special amenities for any banquets and organizations. The hotel is one of the successful hotels of the Marriott International Hotels chain and serves as esteemed brand in tourism industry due to the international quality and rich national characteristics.
Renaissance Polat Istanbul Hotel has total 414 rooms most of which have sea panorama at the standard and Renaissance Club floors, as well as with its six multi-purpose meeting halls, Mediterranean, Palandöken and Ball Halls, the Hotel serves for any banquets, meetings and organizations from 15 to 1500 guests. The meeting halls are all equipped with state-of-art technologies and the Business Center brings the comfort of the office during the meetings.
Various delicious tastes from world cousins are served at Daphne Restaurant & Grill, Marmara Fish, Bier Stube, and Bar Noblesse. One of the Marriott traditions, Champions The American Sports Bar Restaurant provides eating and entertainment together in a sports museum.
Sport+ is open not only for the hotel’s guests but also for the citizens of Istanbul for a healthier life. It serves for the members as well as hotel’s guests via the biggest indoor and outdoor swimming pool of Istanbul among 5-star hotels, Cardio and Gym equipped with latest technology, massage rooms, Turkish bath, sauna and private courses.